IKK classic

IKK classic

Comprehensive Health Protection and Added Benefits

IKK classic – Germany’s largest health insurer for trade guilds


A good health insurer brings its offering in line with the very diverse needs of their customers. At IKK classic, insured subscribers, therefore, get very flexible insurance protection fully matched to their respective individual situations.

3.5 million insurance subscribers turn IKK classic into the largest insurer for the trades and crafts in Germany and to number 6 among the providers of mandatory health insurance. IKK classic emphasises regional presence and has a nation-wide network of some 250 agencies with no blanks all over the country. Thüringen alone boasts 28 offices. Service and region-centred customer care, hence, are no catch phrases but a guarantee with IKK classic.

IKK classic makes various and comprehensive benefits, prevention offerings, and fully individual service converge toward the customer. Added benefits offered in cases of conception assistance treatment, osteopathy, homeopathy and compelling bonuses are just some of the many added offerings of this insurer. A personal health balance also offers the insured persons the possibility to fund a host of added benefits.

For employers too, IKK classic offers not only the full portfolio of benefits from mandatory insurance, but a wealth of additions. For years the insurer has co-operated with companies of various sizes and knows the different work conditions and needs perfectly well. Based on this experience an in-company health management scheme was developed, which can be adapted in its design to an entrepreneur’s wishes.

IKK classic supports employers with the health care, motivation, and performance capacity of their staff. On the basis of comprehensive analyses of a company’s situation, IKK classic offers hands-on consulting and various health management products taken from areas such as activity, relaxation, and nutrition. In workshops and trainings, staff can learn, for instance, how to work respecting their back or avoiding stress. The health experts of IKK classic reach out, conduct various health tests on site, and give individual tips for a health-aware lifestyle.

Specific consulting tailored to the social security needs of rookies on the job and demand-driven classes for employers, officers and spouses of entrepreneurs round off the offering of Germany’s largest insurer in the trade guilds. Of course, industry clients, too, get full on-site individual customer care.

IKK classic — that’s a strong community offering every single insured subscriber the security required when what is most critical in life is at stake — one’s own health.

For more information on IKK classic.